MEA - Magnetische Empfangs Antenne (Magnetic Receiving Antenna)
Review by Harald Kuhl in KURIER 20/95 (Summary)
We tested the M.E.A. 65 in combination with a Lowe HF-150. For comparisons we used a modified JRC NRD-525G with a 20 Meter longwire antenna, mounted outdoors, which is quite a powerful equipment.
Already after a short time of reception we can confirm: This is solid work. Simple operation, a robust workmanship and good stability are combined with a respectable receiving quality.
Already without any preamplification the M.E.A. 65 brought a signal level which was near to an outdoor antenna.
Signals are a bit weaker in most cases, but no station could be found which could be heard with the outdoor antenna but not with the magnetic loop.
This is true for international broadcasters as well as for "exotically" stations in the tropical bands, like Cuba on 5025 kHz for example, or even for scientific weather broadcasts from the antarctic!
The M.E.A. 65 is a recommendable alternative to an outdoor antenna, without having to make compromises regarding reception quality.

Review by Nils Schiffhauer in funk 7/95 (Summary)
Where the M.E.A. 65 made points, was the supression of local noise. By turning the antenna, noise could be minimized and remained (nearly) inaudible.
With the M.E.A. 65 Willi Paßmann succeeded in creating a very reasonable solution, which will offer considerable reception results even to Dxers suffering from cramped surroundings!